News round up: Rapist preyed on foster kids

Rapist preyed on foster kids


A ruthless rapist found victims by getting a job as a care worker and trawling a council’s database for vulnerable young girls. Simeon Kellman, 43, used computer records to identify teenagers who had just come out of the foster care system.

Read more on this story in The Sun

Carer who snapped and killed her Alzheimer’s grandmother is spared jail


A woman who killed her grandmother then lied about the death for three years was spared jail yesterday.

Sarah Cochraine, 37, was driven to despair by the daily routine of caring for frail Annie Skirrow, 86, who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease.


Read more on this story in The Daily Mail


‘Half of single pensioners living on £6,000’


Half of all single pensioners are being forced to live on less than £6,000 a year, according to figures released yesterday.


Read more on this story in The Daily Telegraph


Poor kids face life of crime at 3


Thousands of poor kids are doomed to a life of crime or drugs before they are three, a shock report warns.
They are born into families with such problems that by time they start nursery they are almost beyond help.

Read more on this story in The Sun


3 injured in patient rampage


A schizophrenic gave mental health workers the slip before knifing a 12-year-old girl and two other strangers in a bloody rampage.


Read more on this story in The Sun


Mental health nurse in sex axe


A mental health nurse has been struck off after being caught performing a sex act on a prisoner.

Deborah Pangeti, 35, had a year-long affair with the unnamed male inmate, the Nursing and Midwifery Council heard.

Read more on this story in The Sun


Teach our boys no means no


Classes about rape should be made part of the national school curriculum, a women’s group said yesterday.

The Fawcett Society says boys should be taught that “no means no” in sex – similar to Scotland where children are given mandatory lessons.

Read more on this story in The Daily Mirror


Jail staff failing to counter extremism, warns inspector


Inadequately trained staff inside Belmarsh high security prison are failing to challenge extremism and are in danger of feeding radicalisation by alienating Muslim inmates, the chief inspector of prisons warns.


Read more on this story in The Guardian



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