News round up: Mixed-sex accommodation in NHS to end

Mixed-sex accommodation in NHS to end

Alan Johnson, the health secretary, yesterday promised to abolish mixed-sex accommodation in NHS hospitals throughout England within the next 12 months.

Read more on this story in The Guardian

Underage let-off for drinking

JUST six underage drinkers were taken to court for buying or consuming alcohol in 2006 — making a mockery of crackdown claims.

Read more on this story in The Sun

Police resist tougher action on cannabis

Police will not toughen their approach to cannabis when ministers upgrade the legal status of the drug to class B, it has been disclosed.

Read more on this story in The Daily Telegraph

Vengeful mothers leave good fathers powerless to see child, says judge

A senior judge spoke out against child access law yesterday, saying that the courts were powerless to help decent fathers to see their children if vengeful mothers stood in the way.

Read more on this story in The Times

150 bail hostels built in secret

About 150 hostels run by a private company under a government contract will open over the next month, despite there having been little or no consultation with local people.

Read more on this story in The Daily Telegraph


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