Tim Loughton joins MPs backing Community Care Commons motion

Community Care‘s campaign for stronger support for social work has won the backing of 29 MPs.

The shadow minister for children, Tim Loughton (pictured), and Plaid Cymru’s Parliamentary leader Elfyn Llwyd are among the signatories of the early day motion tabled by John Hemming MP a week ago.

The motion calls on the House of Commons to “support Community Care magazine in its campaign for support for social work” and to “recognise that recent inaccurate media attacks on social work have damaged morale in the profession”.

In defence of social work

A petition on the Number 10 website has attracted more than 1,800 signatures since it was posted nine days ago, while the General Social Care Council has endorsed our campaign. GSCC chair Rosie Varley (pictured)  welcomed our “robust defence” of social work, and the way our letter highlighted the council’s regulatory powers.

This follows a letter from Community Care to The Sun, calling on the newspaper to rethink its negative attitude towards social work.

Community Care would like you to help us show the government how social workers deserve greater support from the wider media for the vital job they do for society. Visit this site, enter your postcode and you will be given details about your local MP and a form allowing you to contact them. Just make sure you ask them to sign EDM 692.

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