Introducing International Social Work
Edited by Sue Lawrence, Karen Lyons, Graeme Simpson and Nathalie Huegler
Learning Matters
ISBN 9781844451326
This is an historical account of the evolution and development of international social work, with a focus on migration and its relevance to current practice.
The authors are correct in citing migration’s relevance to first-year students, although the breadth of detail and specific content will lend itself better to students more advanced in their professional training or those engaged in post-qualifying education. The use of case studies links well to the structure of the academic and practice education systems. That is enhanced by the inclusion of the National Occupational and Quality Assurance Agency standards.
This is a well-researched text that introduces the subject in a concise manner. The title of the book as an “introduction” is misleading; it is comprehensive enough for the reader to develop their knowledge, values and skill. As the authors write: “social workers need to adopt an international attitude to practice given the impact of migration and globalisation on the practice approach”. This book is a “must have” core text.
Amanda Taylor is a senior lecturer in social work at the University of Central Lancashire
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