Contract for the Management and Operation of Children’s Services Family Centres

Westminster City Council is seeking to invite tenders for the management and operation of its Children’s Services Family Centres. The Family Centre service provides a comprehensive range of assessment, parenting support and intervention services designed to meet the needs of children, families, and young people in Westminster who have substantial and additional needs. The family centre service works as an integral part of a continuum of parenting support services in Westminster and targets those children and families who are on the edge of, or are subject to, Local Authority statutory intervention.

The contract will start on 1 August 2010 for a five year period with a break clause at 3 years where at the City Council’s discretion, the contract can either be ended or renegotiated.

Expressions of interest are invited from suitably experienced organisations that will be required to complete a pre-qualification questionnaire. The questionnaire can be obtained from:

Chris Japhtha, Contracts Manager –Children’s Services, Children’s Services Department, 13th Floor, Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP. E:mail:
Telephone: 020 7641 2427

Organisations expression of interest must be received by midday on 7 October 2009 and the completed pre-qualification questionnaire must be returned to the above address by no later than 9 October 2009. Invitations to tender, together with the specification and tender documentation will be issued to short listed organisations on, or about, 21 October 2009 for return to the City Council by 12 January 2010.

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