Book review: Promoting social interaction for individuals with communicative impairments

Promoting Social Interaction for Individuals with Communicative Impairments – Making Contact


M Suzanne Zeedyk (eds), Jessica Kingsley Publishers

ISBN 9781843105398

This book takes its starting point from the premise that all people seek to share meaning with others through communication.

That isn’t an easy process with someone who has trouble communicating. And the book suggests that, where this is the case, an initial period of observation and imitation to understand how an individual tries to communicate is required, followed by a period of intensive interaction during which a shared vocabulary is created or agreed.

Such a process, however, takes a long time, something this book assumes that people will have. But its success in practice is demonstrated by case studies, including the experiences of professionals working with Romanian orphans, with children with autistic spectrum disorder, and with adults with advanced dementia.

This is a thoroughly researched book that builds on the expertise of a range of professionals. Overall, it is not designed for quick reference but rather as a guide and aid to meaningful engagement with individuals. As such, it may be of more immediate use to those working in a therapeutic environment.

Iain McDonald is a temporary social worker with the City of Edinburgh

This article is published in the 24 September 2009 edition of Community Care

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