Elderly care costs; rough sleepers; foster mum murder

    Record numbers of elderly are forced to sell their homes to pay for care

    The scale of Labour’s betrayal of pensioners was laid bare tonight as it emerged that every year at least 3,000 elderly people are forced to sell their homes to pay for residential care.

    The scandal of Britain’s crumbling care system has reached such proportions that a third of all those paying the cost of their care end up without their house.

    Read more in the Daily Mail

    ‘Canal Boy’ who was treated to boating holiday jailed for new wave of burglaries

    Clinton Bowen, who was 15 when he was treated to the three-month trip in 1997, appears not to have benefited from the attempted rehabilitation.

    The 28-year-old is now starting a now starting a five year jail term after stealing family heirlooms from elderly victims in a string of raids.

    Read more in the Telegraph

    This harassment of people sleeping rough is unacceptable

    You report that charities are “concerned that authorities are using excessively heavy-handed tactics to eradicate street homelessness” (Laying down the laws, 9 December). In response to these concerns, a City of London spokeswoman says: “We cannot simply leave rough sleepers, we have to engage with them, check on their welfare and offer them support.” Offering people support and checking on their welfare sounds good. But all is not as it seems.

    Read more in the Guardian

    Boy, 10, whose parents died in tsunami ‘murdered foster mother after she taunted him about being an orphan’

    A 10-year-old boy whose parents died in the Asian tsunami five years ago has been charged with savagely murdering his adoptive mother after she allegedly taunted him about having no real mother and father any more.

    The tragic case of the youngster who faces up to 15 years in an Indonesian prison emerged today as the south east Asian region prepares to remember the 230,000 people who died in the tsunami on December 26, 2004.

    Read more in the Daily Mail

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