A social worker who assaulted his wife during an argument has been admonished by the General Social Care Council.
Mazharul Mannan received a police caution following the incident in December 2009. However, he did not inform the GSCC, a conduct committee heard.
“The assault is serious enough in itself to amount to misconduct,” the committee found. “That misconduct is aggravated by the failure to notify the GSCC of the caution, although it is accepted [Mannan] did notify his employer.”
Mannan had shown some insight into his behaviour the committee added, and recognised that he should have walked away from the argument.
He also had a good record and current employers had provided him with a written reference.
The committee decided to admonish him for three years.
In other cases:
• A social work student who was accused of lying on her university application has been cleared of misconduct. Teresa Gale could have unwittingly left off the fact that she was subject to ongoing legal proceedings because of the wording of the form, the GSCC’s conduct committee found.
• A social worker who lied about undertaking a review of a service user but kept the £70 her employer paid for it has been admonished for six months by the GSCC. Priti Calleea, who worked for Wolverhampton Council at the time, admitted most of the allegations. The conduct committee found her actions had been a mistake rather than a deliberate act of dishonest, and concluded there was a “very low” risk of recurrence.
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