Social work student essay guide

Social work student essay guide Writing an academic essay is never easy and social work essays present their own challenges. Here, experts and fellow...

Writing an academic essay is never easy and social work essays present their own challenges. Here, experts and fellow students offer their advice on what to do and what not to do and suggest approaches to some typical essay questions.

How to write a social work academic essay: the basics

Open University lecturer Alison Higgs explains how to plan your essay, develop an argument and include the correct references

Writing a social work essay: 4 pointers for success

London Metropolitan University lecturer Liz Davies offers four key pointers that will set you on the road to essay success

Top social work essay tips

A selection of social work students and academics offer their advice on writing better essays

How avoid common social work essay mistakes

Professor Peter Beresford of Brunel University suggests there are some common social work essay mistakes which can easily be avoided

How to write a social work dissertation

Professor Jill Manthorpe of King’s College London, explains how to keep your social work dissertation on track

Guide to using bibliographies and references in social care

Community Care Inform provides a free downloadable guide to selecting and citing resources using the ‘Harvard’ system of referencing (pdf).

Avoiding plagiarism in essays

The Open University offers advice on good academic practice and how to avoid plagiarism

Plagiarism and online forums

Online forums can be great for sharing essay ideas but how do you make sure that doesn’t become collusion?


Tackling common social work essay questions

Some social work essay topics keep cropping up. Here, social work academics offer advice on how to tackle them:

An essay on the social work response to a disclosure of child abuse

An essay on adult safeguarding

An essay on personal budgets

An essay on mental capacity

An essay analysing an example of your practice in children’s services

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