Centre for Pyschoanalytic studies

Emotional Aspects of Working with Children and Adolescents/ Vulnerable or Challenging Adults

Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies
Foundation Degree/BA in Therapeutic Communication and Therapeutic Organizations

Emotional Aspects of Working with Children and Adolescents/ Vulnerable or Challenging Adults

For entry in October 2011; both courses available at both the Colchester and Southend Campuses.

These degree schemes are for those who want a deeper and wider understanding of their work

1. with children and young people with special educational, social and/or emotional needs

2. adults in mental health, offending, addiction or social care services

They are suitable both for staff without a first degree and those looking to adda psychodynamic perspective to their work.

Applications are invited from applicants from the public, independent andvoluntary sectors, in education, social care and health.

Apply now:

T: 01206 874 969

E: cpsugrad@essex.ac.uk


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