Homeless Children in Need: Local Authorities’ Duties

Venue: London EC2A 3EA - Date: 8th November 2011

Venue: London EC2A 3EA

Date: 8th November 2011

Time Info: 9.15 am-5.15 pm

Accreditation: 6 hours CPD – suitable for all levels

Venue: Amnesty International UK, The Human Rights Action Centre, 17-25 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EA.

Lecturers: Zia Nabi is a barrister at 1 Pump Court specialising in housing, community care and social welfare law. The majority of his practice consists of public law challenges to decisions of public authorities on housing and community care provision to adults, patients, children and persons who are subject to immigration control.

Jamie Presland is also a barrister at 1 Pump Court and experienced in a broad range of social services work for individuals and for local authorities – children in need and their families; care proceedings and adoption; looked after children and leaving care; support for adults and children with physical disabilities; older people, mental health, care homes; homelessness, asylum support; public health; management and administration, access to records; and judicial review.

Contents include:

Children Act 1989

Seeking assistance under CA 1989 s17
Challenging a section 17 assessment
Duty to accommodate under CA 1989 s20
Duties to looked after children with special needs
Leaving care support

Housing Act 1996

The homeless child applicant

Families with children

The intentionally homeless family
Families with no recourse to public funds

Establishing age

Age assessment and age disputes


Complaints procedures and judicial review

Further Information


More from Community Care

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