We continue to celebrate the success of Kimber House in Nottingham for maintaining their Ofsted grading of ‘Outstanding’ on four consecutive occasions, the most recent in 2011.
The Millers Homes for Children continues to be one of the leading childcare providers working with Local Authorities to improve outcomes for vulnerable children and young people who present with a range of difficult and challenging behaviours.
Our established teams provide consistency, care and support to ensure that our aim continues to be to improve outcomes and raise standards of achievement for all the children and young people in our care.
Our other homes, Andrews, Evans and Sutton have consistently achieved ‘Good’ and are striving hard to join the success of Kimber.
We offer:
– emergency/planned admissions
– a comprehensive assessment
– short/medium/long-term placements with access to therapeutic support if needed
– experience in successfully working with young people who have been in secure accommodation
– a thorough and varied independence programme tailored to the young person
The Children and Young people we care for may:
– be suffering with emotional/behavioural difficulties
– display challenging behaviours
– have an offending background
– absconding
– self Harm
– have low self-esteem
– have been sexually, physically &/or emotionally abused
– be abusive towards others
– have a history of alcohol/substance abuse
– have poor social & life skills
– be a danger/violent to others
Call 0800 085 2569 for further information
Website: www.millershomesforchildren.org or email: office@millershomesforchildren.org
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