A Practical Guide to improving Process, policy and practice in Safeguarding Alerts


A Practical Guide to improving Process, policy and practice in
Safeguarding Alerts
Referral, Investigation and Improvement
Wednesday 27th February 2013, Manchester
This conference focuses on developing effective systems and process for managing safeguarding alerts from alert, to referral, investigation and improvement. The conference opens with a presentation focussing on what should be reported as a safeguarding alert, and continues with an update from The Care Quality Commission and their role in monitoring safeguarding and safeguarding alerts.
The rest of the day will take a more practical look at case studies on the patient perspective, developing an effective safeguarding alert policy, training, educating and empowering frontline staff in safeguarding alerts, managing a safeguarding alert, and learning from safeguarding alerts.
For further information and to book visit http://www.healthcareconferencesuk.co.uk/vulnerable-adults-safeguarding-alerts-training or contact kerry@healthcareconferencesuk.co.uk
A 20% discount* is available to registrants via Community Care, please quote ref: huck20CC when booking. (*cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.)

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