Controversial social work training scheme Frontline opens to applicants this month

    The Frontline team is about to embark on an extensive recruitment campaign for its two-year course, which is due to begin in July 2014.

    Budding child protection social workers can apply to take part in the Teach First-style training scheme Frontline from 30 September.

    Applicants will undertake a four-stage process, including a self-selection questionnaire, online application form, psychometric testing and an assessment centre.

    The 100 who succeed will join Frontline’s two-year programme, beginning with a five-week “summer institute” in July 2014.

    Frontline has already received over 2,800 expressions of interest from potential applicants, its organisers said.

    The scheme is loosely based on Teach First and has attracted a mixture of support and criticism from commentators.

    Michael Gove is due to speak at the formal launch of Frontline later today.

    Find out more and apply

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