Lyn Romeo, the chief social worker for adults, is inviting practitioners to take part in an open forum event to ask questions about the future of the profession and raise any issues they are facing.
The event will take place in Leeds on 3 August and is expected to have room to accommodate around 50 social workers. Social workers can book a place by emailing Romeo’s office.
Romeo said that any social workers who can’t attend on the day can send her questions via Twitter (to @LynRomeo_CSW) or email her with issues they’d like to raise.
“The event’s an opportunity for any social worker who wants to come along to ask questions and discuss issues relating to social work with adults. It will be an informal Q&A session. I wanted to run it after social workers told me they’d find it useful,” she said.
The event comes after the Department for Education (DfE) held a similar event giving children’s social workers the opportunity to raise issues with Isabelle Trowler, the children’s chief social worker, and Sir Martin Narey, who advises the DfE on social work.
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