Update and upgrade your understanding of child sexual exploitation

Community Care Inform Children's new knowledge and practice hub will help you to spot the signs of CSE and work with young people who have been exploited

Photo: Fotolia/Jacques Palut

Community Care Inform Children has launched a new knowledge and practice hub on child sexual exploitation to help social workers better understand and navigate the fast-changing and challenging field of practice.

Register for our CSE webinar
To mark the launch of the hub, Dr Helen Beckett will be discussing some of the main messages for practitioners in a free one-hour Community Care webinar on Wednesday 16 March at 10.30am. Click here to register

The hub features a range of quick and in-depth guides and interactive learning tools to help you to spot, and work with, children at risk of sexual exploitation, while lessons from research with young people will enable you to design and provide services that better meet the complex needs of children who have been sexually exploited.

Notable features include:

Dr Helen Beckett, joint director of The International Centre: Researching child sexual exploitation, violence and trafficking, at the University of Bedfordshire, led the review of most of Inform’s child sexual exploitation content.

Emilie Smeaton, research director of Paradigm Research, produced the main in-depth practice guides to CSE.


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