Lincolnshire’s wellbeing strategy is structured into priorities, designed to ensure staff are happy in their roles. These priority areas and how they are operationalised are listed below:
- Employee Health: Personal wellbeing and resilience
Employees receive support to improve their mental and emotional health through the provision of accessible information, resources and services.
Line managers are supported to be mental health aware, to spot the signs of poor emotional health, and have the competence and confidence to have sensitive conversations.
- Work demands
There are flexible and varied workplace initiatives to support and promote good physical and mental health. Staff with caring responsibilities are identified so they can be supported and signposted.
Stress risk assessments/stress audits are promoted and implemented to minimise employee workplace stress.
- Change management
Employees are encouraged to participate in shaping and implementing changes. Employees are given clear communications and explanations of changes to help them through periods of uncertainty and transition.
Leadership team members are supported to strengthen their skills, knowledge and understanding of effective change management approaches.
- Employee voice
Any barriers that prevent employees from ‘speaking up’ are identified and addressed. Lincolnshire has a confidential whistleblowing policy, staff have regular one-to-ones, supervisions and yearly appraisal reviews. There are engagement groups, annual employee surveys and every employee completes a confidential exit interview, designed to capture any issues, when staff move positions or leave the council. The corporate leadership team holds briefings a couple of times a year to discuss wider council projects and this is an opportunity for people to ask questions and get answers during these Q&A sessions.
- Positive relationships
As management style is often cited as a top cause of stress in work, line managers are supported to create positive and supportive working relationships.
Workplace communication focuses on positive behaviours and outcomes, taking a proactive, and problem-solving approach that focuses on solutions.
- Effective leadership
Understanding the impact that management style has on employee wellbeing and the wider organisational culture at work is vital. Leadership teams and senior managers are helped to strengthen their skills, knowledge and understanding in this context. Values-based leadership is embedded across the organisation.