BCP Articles

Podcast: moving on from Ofsted

3 January 2024


Community Care speaks to BCP Council’s new principal social worker along with the children’s rights and engagement manager about its improvement journey. Find out more here.

‘I like that everyone I meet is really passionate about what they do – it’s infectious’

29 September 2023

Social workers at Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council explain how working in a friendly and supportive environment enables them to provide the best possible service to children and families.

Find out more here.

Including care leavers in decision making is improving outcomes for children in care

Messages from a care leaver

12 June 2023


Including care leavers in decision making is improving outcomes for children in care

Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole’s children’s services are putting the voices of young people at the centre of their work. A care leaver tells all about how she is involved with the council’s various projects. Find out more here.

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