Social work vacancy rates 2012: interactive map

Use the map below to find the vacancy rate and number of social work posts in your local authority

View Social worker vacancy rates 2012 in a full screen map

Access the data

Community Care sent freedom of information requests to all councils and health and social care trusts in the UK, asking how many social worker posts and vacancies they had as of 1 August 2012. We asked the local authorities to provide full-time equivalent figures and we rounded them up to whole numbers. Any blank spaces on the spreadsheet are due to councils failing to respond to the request or providing unusable data. Some were unable to provide a breakdown by children’s and adult services, but we included overall figures if provided. If you have a question about these figures, please email Kirsty McGregor.

For a full breakdown, you can access the complete dataset for all UK local authorities (Google spreadsheet)

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