Tag Archives | adult social care workforce

Care worker putting a bandage on a man's arm in his home.

Adults, Workforce

Overseas recruitment drives latest growth in adult social care workforce

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King Charles delivering the 2023 King's Speech in Parliament

Adults, Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Law to bolster child protection announced in Labour’s first King’s Speech

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Mug full of coffee next to pile of post-it notes, with the top one reading 'What's your legacy?'

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

The legacy of Conservative rule for adult social care

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Diversity Equality Inclusion write on a sticky note isolated on Office Desk.

Social work leaders, Workforce

Councils invited to sign up to scheme to highlight racial inequalities in social care workforce

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David Pearson

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Increasing qualification levels, linked to pay, under consideration in adult social care workforce strategy

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Colleagues engaged in training session

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

DHSC sets out plans for funding adult social care training

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Nurse helping woman rehabilitate in care home

Adults, Workforce

Care home nursing fee gets 7.4% boost in ‘win for sector’

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budget cuts

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Four in ten adult care providers reduced services last year due to cost pressures

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A practice educator or social work manager talking to a student

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Councils given funding to train more staff as social workers through apprenticeships

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Care worker putting a bandage on a man's arm in his home.

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Government bar on overseas care staff bringing over families sparks workforce concerns

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Dial pointing at the word 'performance'

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

CQC delivers initial verdict on council adults’ services under new assurance system

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Older woman looking downcast on sofa

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Social care inequalities deepening due to cost of living crisis and squeezed council budgets, says CQC

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Dial pointed at the word 'strategy'

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Skills for Care to develop social care workforce strategy

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Have your say note pinned to corkboard

Adults, Workforce

Government quizzes adult social workers on working conditions

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The word 'funding' spelt out in blocks against the background of some graphs

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Government shifts £600m destined for social care reform into tackling immediate pressures on services

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