Tag Archives | autism

teenager lying with hand on forehead 600

Children, Social work leaders

Government to create new type of accommodation for children at risk of deprivation of liberty

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The Houses of Parliament in London

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

How the government plans to reform the Mental Health Act 1983

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Mental Health. Stress, tension, relationships and work environment concept. Man's hand, holding magnifying glass

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

Bill to overhaul ‘outdated’ Mental Health Act introduced

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Adults, Workforce

‘Our clients were invisible until our team came into being’: leading a service supporting homeless people

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Mental health practitioner and client

Adults, Children

Bolstering AMHP role can ‘vastly reduce’ detention numbers under existing MHA, say service heads

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Mental Health. Stress, tension, relationships and work environment concept. Man's hand, holding magnifying glass

Adults, Children

Mental Health Act reform: where the government stands

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Community Care, Workforce Insights

Podcast: supporting adults with learning disabilities and autistic people post-pandemic

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Human rights card

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

DHSC rejects experts’ plan to curb ‘inhumane’ solitary confinement of disabled people in hospital

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Word AUTISM and xylophone on color background

Children, Inform Children

Working with autistic children and young people: tips for best practice

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Picture of a man reading his newspaper with the logo 'Social Work Recap' on top

Adults, Children

Jacob Crouch: action taken to protect babies following case, says safeguarding body

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Picture of a man reading his newspaper with the logo 'Social Work Recap' on top

Adults, Children, Workforce

Lack of social care workforce plan ‘a missed opportunity’

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Blocks spelling out 'what does it mean?'

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

What disabled children’s abuse inquiry means for social workers and councils

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Ascending steps with the words 'make things better' written on them to symbolise improvement

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Safeguarding overhaul needed to better protect disabled children in care, says abuse inquiry

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Picture of a man reading his newspaper with the logo 'Social Work Recap' on top

Adults, Children, Workforce

Social Work Recap: Paul O’Grady’s death, the strip searching of children and food insecurity for staff

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‘On the spectrum’: how autism has affected my career

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Maria Caulfield mental health minister

Adults, Children

Mental health patient safety review launched in wake of abuse reports

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