Tag Archives | cap on care costs

DELAY - road sign information illustration

Adults, Workforce

Delay ‘unfunded’ cap on care costs, council body urges government

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Mug full of coffee next to pile of post-it notes, with the top one reading 'What's your legacy?'

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

The legacy of Conservative rule for adult social care

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Labour leader Keir Starmer and shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves talking to residents in Great Yarmouth in 2023

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

No funded social care commitments in Labour manifesto

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Blocks spelling out the word 'funding'

Adults, Social work leaders

Conservative manifesto pledge to implement cap on care costs is unfunded, warns think-tank

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Rishi Sunak

Adults, Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

What the 2024 general election means for social care

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The front cover of the Care Act 2014

Adults, Social work leaders

Ten years of the Care Act 2014: ‘the right legislation, undermined by a lack of funding’

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Care minister Helen Whately

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

Revised MCA code of practice ‘still under discussion’ two years after consultation on changes

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Melanie Williams

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Reform Mental Health Act and implement LPS: new ADASS head’s message to next government

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Shadow minister for social care Andrew Gwynne at the 2024 ADASS Spring Seminar

Adults, Social work leaders

Labour still committed to cap on care costs, shadow minister tells sector leaders

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An older couple poring over their finances

Adults, Social work leaders

More people face self-funding care as means-testing thresholds frozen for 14th consecutive year

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Blocks spelling out the word 'audit'

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Cap on care costs: significant risks around plan to deliver delayed reform by 2025, says watchdog

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Image of accounts sheet with pen and calculator (credit: Wrangler / Adobe Stock)

Adults, Social work leaders

More people face paying for care as means-test threshold is frozen for 13th year

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Pause written on postit notes

Adults, Social work leaders

Care cap pilot councils pause work after government announces two-year delay to reforms

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Jeremy Hunt

Adults, Social work leaders

Hunt announces two-year care cap delay to help councils deliver 200,000 extra care packages

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Team manager leading meeting

Adults, Social work leaders

Almost all councils lack funding to meet adult care costs this winter, warn directors

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Rishi Sunak

Adults, Social work leaders

Two-year delay to cap on care costs on cards, amid fears reform will be dropped altogether

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