Tag Archives | Community Care’s 50th anniversary

Man sat on a wheelchair holding on to another hand of a person that is off frame.

Adults, Workforce

Social work across the decades: how the disability movement reshaped social care

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Pictured: (left) Pat Curtis smiling in a yellow cardigan and a blue dress with dots and Nicola Silk (right) in a pink dress with matching pink hair. Both are holding a drink and are seated on a boat in the sea.


‘In memory of Pat, my social work mentor and inspiration’

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Smiling colleagues conversing.


‘Your down-to-earth approach has made us feel like a family, not a service’

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No Racism sign being held


Wayne Reid: how George Floyd’s murder inspired social work’s anti-racism ‘visionary’

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Smiling colleagues conversing.


The support worker brothers going ‘above and beyond’ for families and colleagues

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Mental Health. Stress, tension, relationships and work environment concept. Man's hand, holding magnifying glass

Adults, Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

BASW chief Ruth Allen on the state of mental health social work

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Smiling colleagues conversing.


‘She helps me bounce back when I’m struggling with the job’

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June Thoburn leaning against archives of the times from the 1700s

Children, Workforce

‘Social workers need to understand their power’: June Thoburn on her research career

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Smiling colleagues conversing.


A social work student celebrates her ‘unsung heroes’

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Adults, Children

Social work across the decades: the birth of the adults’/children’s divide

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Smiling colleagues conversing.


‘She has been my cheerleader at every stage of my career’

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Smiling colleagues conversing.

Choose Social Work, Workforce

‘She has been dedicated to the families of Swansea for over 20 years’

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Eileen Munro sat at a conference room, wearing a black blazer and white shirt.

Social work leaders, Workforce

Eileen Munro on the legacy of her child protection review

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Smiling colleagues conversing.


Want to celebrate the inspiring social workers in your life? Send us a voice note!

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The 970s logo

Children, Workforce

Social work across the decades: the Maria Colwell inquiry

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Denise Monks

Adults, Children

‘Things have gone backwards for parents with learning disabilities’, says BASW officer

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