Tag Archives | mental health

    Dark background with crumpled piece of yellow paper with words SELF HARM

    Adults, Inform Adults

    Responding to suspected self-harm: tips for adult social care practitioners

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    King Charles delivering the 2023 King's Speech in Parliament

    Adults, Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

    Law to bolster child protection announced in Labour’s first King’s Speech

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    Headline Standards on note pad; office desk with electronic devices, computer and paper, wood table from above

    Social work leaders, Workforce

    Social Work England issues guidance on new AMHP training standards

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    Social workers on strike in Barnet

    Adults, Workforce

    Mental health social workers return to work after nine-week strike

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    Mental health practitioner and client

    Adults, Children

    Bolstering AMHP role can ‘vastly reduce’ detention numbers under existing MHA, say service heads

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    Mental Health. Stress, tension, relationships and work environment concept. Man's hand, holding magnifying glass

    Adults, Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

    BASW chief Ruth Allen on the state of mental health social work

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    Grid of nine post-it notes with 'employee retention' written on the central one

    Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

    Mental health social workers pose greatest recruitment and retention challenge for adults’ services

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    Two colleagues analysing data in an office

    Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

    Mental health leads hail project to highlight impact of AMHP work

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    Post-it note on a table with the word 'STRIKE' written on it


    Council to buy in service to cover social workers during 9-week strike

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    Pad of paper with 'staff shortages' written on it

    Social work leaders, Workforce

    AMHP workforce 35% short of what is needed for 24-hour service, say leads

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    Are social workers stigmatised for mental health diagnoses?

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    Mental Health. Stress, tension, relationships and work environment concept. Man's hand, holding magnifying glass

    Adults, Children

    Mental Health Act reform: where the government stands

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    A woman covering her face with her hands.


    ‘As a social worker I was made to feel shame for my bipolar diagnosis’

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    Post-it note on a table with the word 'STRIKE' written on it


    AMHPs to stage walkout as social work strike action hits sixth council within a year

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    UNISON vice president Julia Mwaluke on the picket line with Barnet UNISON strikers


    Social workers to take nine more weeks of strike action as talks fail to resolve dispute

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    Mental Health. Stress, tension, relationships and work environment concept. Man's hand, holding magnifying glass

    Adults, Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

    Mounting demand for AMHPs and unmet need masked by fall in number of detentions, say leads

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