Social work vacancy rates 2011
By council
Case studies
Agency rates
Use this interactive map to find out the vacancy rates in your local authority, broken down into children’s and adult services. The data comes from Freedom of Information requests sent to all local authorities and health and social care trusts in the UK.
If the map does not automatically show the UK, you may have to scroll to the right location.
View Social worker vacancy rates 2011 in a full screen map
Social work vacancy rates drop across Britain
Social worker vacancy rates in local authorities have fallen despite the squeeze on recruitment and retention budgets.More
English vacancy rate still highest in Britain
England still has a higher vacancy rate than Scotland and Wales despite continuing efforts to reform the profession. More
College of Social Work: “We must be on our guard”
Maurice Bates, interim co-chair of the College of Social Work, greets this year’s vacancy rates survey with cautious optimism. More
How one council reduced its vacancy rates
Richmond Council overhauled its adult services department and reduced its overall vacancy rate from 36% in 2010 to 8%.More
The truth behind the fall in vacancies
The consistently high vacancy rates in social work beg the question: are current staffing levels what we expect in the future? More
Vacancies: the frontline view
A children’s social worker who has experienced consistently high vacancy rates asks where her employer is going wrong. More
How to recruit and retain a full workforce
We examine some of the latest techniques to keep social workers and social care staff on the books. More
Join the debate
How high is the vacancy rate in your team? How is it affecting your work and your
service users? Have your say on CareSpace. More
service users? Have your say on CareSpace. More
Date Published: 15 September 2011
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