The big question

Will England’s new children’s commissioner make any
difference to young people’s lives?   

Angie Lawrence
Single parent

If the commissioner is as free from government control as it
promises, and if their reports are not vetted, they can make a
difference. I agree with the need for a strategic rather than
watchdog role. In this way the commissioner will be more effective
in helping staff involved in a child’s life to communicate

Shaun Webster
Change self-advocacy group

It might be a good thing. I’d want them to include disabled
children and those with learning difficulties. I hope a
commissioner would encourage social services to improve but I don’t
know if this will happen. I get angry when people are left out, I
hope a commissioner will change that.

Jean Stogdon
Grandparents Plus

We are in danger of putting all our hopes from how we have failed
our children into the commissioner. There must have been a some
political ambivalence about this role otherwise we’d have had it
before. I’d welcome a person in a powerful post who’d pick up on
wrong thinking before the professionals do.

Kierra Box
Young people’s campaigner

He or she could have a great impact, but only if young people are
involved in developing and implementing the post and only if the
commissioner is given true powers to change the way we are treated
in society. I worry the commissioner may become a token gesture,
unaccountable to and unknown by those who need representation.

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