Power to the People

Power to the people: Will the adult green paper

Date:- Monday 27 June 2005

Venue:- ORT House, London

A Community Care conference in partnership with the
Association of Directors of Social Services and Pavilion

This conference will focus on service users and how the new adult
green paper, ‘Independence, Wellbeing and Choice’, will impact on
them. The green paper promises to revolutionise the relationships
between service users, carers, professionals and the state. Service
users will have an unprecedented say in their own care, while
professionals will take on new roles such as ‘brokers’ and
‘navigators’ designed to assist them. Direct payments and
individual budgets will give service users more choice and the
ability to take more risks – but what will the impact be in
professionals? The conference will help everyone from service users
to senior managers crystallise their thinking on a central theme of
the green paper as the consultation deadline approaches.

Bookings can be made through the customer services team at Pavilion
on 0870 1613505


10am  Arrival and Registration

10.30  Chair’s introduction 
             Polly Neate, editor of Community Care

10.45  Taking control: putting service users
centre stage 
             Nick Danagher, executive director, National Centre for
Independent Living

11.15   Money in hand: direct payments and
individual budgets

11.45   Tea/coffee

12         Panel discussion: how the respective
roles of state, carer and user are set to change
             With Dwayne Johnson, secretary ADSS disabilities
committee and Stephen Burke, chief executive Counsel and Care


            Afternoon chair: Jeff Jerome, co-chair ADSS
disabilities committee

2          From gatekeepers to navigators: the
impact on professionals
            Annie Stevenson, senior policy advisers Help the

2.45    Will self-assessment meet needs more

3.15    Tea/coffee

3.45    Risks and rewards: balancing protection
and choice
            Ruth Cartwright, professional officer BASW

4.30    Chair’s summing up

4.45    Close

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