Key Points

The Children and Young Persons Bill will:

● Allow the piloting of social work practices to which councils may delegate responsibilities for looked-after children and care leavers.

● Ensure that children in care do not move schools in Key Stage 4.

● Put the role of the designated teacher on a statutory footing.

● Require councils to offer a £2,000 bursary to care leavers who go on to higher education.

● Restrict out-of-authority placements.

● Introduce more checks and balances into the care planning and review system.

● Strengthen the role of the Independent Reviewing Officer by, where necessary, making their services completely independent from local authorities.

● Give young people more say in their placement plan, in particular when they move from a stable care placement to a less supportive place such as an independent flat.

● Extend the duty for social workers to visit children in care placed in children’s homes and those in youth custody.

● Make “independent visitors” available to a wider group of looked-after children.

● Enable local authorities to financially support carers and make it easier for family carers to obtain orders granting legal permanency.

● Ensure continuing supervision of children in long-term residential placements arranged via health and education services.

● Give foster carers access to an independent review mechanism.

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