Drug Pack: An Information Pack for Adults with Learning Difficulties

By Michelle Forster and the Elfreda Society.

The Elfreda Society
Tom Blyth Centre
34 Islington Park Street
London N1 1PX


The pack includes a booklet and 12 removable drug information
leaflets. The booklet explains clearly what drugs are and the
complicated and confusing relationship between different drugs and
the law. It then goes on to direct readers to sources of
information and advice. The advice is not only directly about drugs
but also includes advice on sexual issues and first aid on the
grounds that taking drugs may result in risky sexual behaviour and
that people who take drugs may need first aid sooner or later. The
booklet also contains a useful glossary which explains the meaning
of some of the words used in the pack which may be unfamiliar to
the audience.

The individual drug leaflets then follow broadly repetitive
themes covering common street names for the drug, the effects they
could have on you and the legal position on having or selling the
drug. The text is clear and bright with good use of pictures,
colour and photographs.

It is aimed at young adults, and was commissioned by the
Department of Health. There are few resources available in a clear
and accessible format for helping to explain the risks of taking
drugs to people with learning difficulties. The format is
informative without being patronising, and the consultation with
service users shines through.

The booklets are valuable learning tools for social and family
carers, and the permission to make photocopies for teaching
purposes adds to the value of the pack. I hope to find copies
widely available in resource and activity centres, colleges, GP
surgeries and community learning difficulty teams.

Mhairi Duff is a specialist registrar in learning difficulties
at the Norah Fry Research Centre and Bath & West Community NHS
Trust Bristol.



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