New standards for children`s homes

The government has launched a major consultation exercise on
draft regulations and national minimum standards for
children’s homes, care homes for younger adults, and adult

The regulations and standards will be used by the National Care
Standards Commission when it takes over responsibility for
registration and inspection in April 2002.

There are 37 standards for children’s homes, while the
standards for care homes for younger adults, and those for adult
placements, comprise 41 and 30 standards, respectively.

Core requirements will apply to all care homes providing
accommodation and nursing or personal care for adults aged between
18 and 65 who have: physical, sensory or learning disabilities;
autistic spectrum disorders; mental health problems; alcohol or
substance misuse problem; HIV/AIDS, and dual and/or complex
multiple disabilities, including those who are deafblind.

* Department of Health, Children’s Homes National
Minimum Standards
and Children’s Homes Regulations
(Consultation Document)

* Department of Health, Care Homes for Younger Adults and
Adult Placements National Minimum Standards
and Care Homes
Regulations (Consultation Document)

Both available by clicking here



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