New campaign tackles mental health stigma in Scotland

A campaign to eliminate the stigma and discrimination
surrounding mental health in Scotland has been launched,
writes Nicola Barry.

The ‘See Me’ campaign forms a major part of this
week’s ‘Mental Health Week’. Its main contention is that
people do not seek help because they fear the negative public
attitudes towards such problems.

An umbrella group of mental health organisations have joined
forces to launch the publicity drive, funded by the Scottish
executive. These include Penumbra, the Scottish Association for
Mental Health, Highland Users Group, National Schizophrenia
Fellowship Scotland and the Scottish Division of the Royal College
of Psychiatrists.

One in four people in Scotland suffers from mental health
problems at some point in their lives. Of those already diagnosed,
two in five claims to have been the victim of abuse or insensitive

The most common conditions they experience are stress, anxiety,
depression, anorexia and schizophrenia. The campaign will emphasise
how common these conditions are while encouraging sufferers to
speak more openly about their illnesses and subsequent

The campaign will feature a programme of national advertising
and events which aim to challenge attitudes.

A ‘See Me’ website will also be launched for those seeking
information on what constitutes discrimination.

The website will also list sources of advice and support in
Scotland. It is still being developed, but the web address is:

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