Good Practice in Childcare

By Janet Kay.
Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd
ISBN 0 82644 808 9

This book has been written to provide those involved in early
years care and education services with a basic understanding of
good practice. It provides opportunities for the reader to assess
their own knowledge and understanding through a range of exercises
in each chapter. The author is clear that good practice is
continually developing.

This book provides a good guide to the aspects of child care that
staff need to address from the perspective of the child and their
family. It provides a clear description of the values, principles
and legal basis for child care work, concentrating on children’s
welfare and rights.

There is also a strong emphasis on highlighting the importance of
managing equality of opportunity and promoting equality and
diversity when caring for young children. Adopting a reflective
practice approach is recommended to practitioners as a successful
means of improving child care practice and of supporting other
staff to change and to improve practice.

Good practice is, of course, closely linked with the overall
quality in early years care and education but the quality of the
experience of each individual child, which this book addresses,
must surely be the key outcome indicator for the service.

Amy Weir is head of children and families services, London
Borough of Harrow.

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