‘Laming right to slam top managers’

A survey of directors of social services has revealed that the
vast majority believe Lord Laming was right to direct his harshest
criticisms at senior managers in his report into the death of
Victoria Climbié.

Community Care’s straw poll of directors from
councils around the country found that only 12 per cent disagreed
with Laming’s attack on senior managers, saying he should
have also been more critical of councillors.

The majority believed that the management board for children and
families, which would replace the area child protection committees,
should be headed by the director of social services and not the
chief executive of the council, as Laming has recommended.

Nearly 90 per cent of directors who took part in the poll felt
they would be aware if lack of supervision, poor practice and
excessive caseloads were a problem in any of their child protection

All but one believed that it was realistic for directors to take
on the extra tasks outlined in the report.

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