The attitudes and ignorance of GPs towards mental health service
users has been highlighted in a report put together by a strategic
health authority.
Dorset and Somerset SHA’s response to the Fair for All,
Personal to You consultation on creating a more client-focused
health and social care service, said a strong theme to emerge was
the large numbers of mental health service users and carers
reporting problems with the attitude of some GPs.
Many said family doctors discriminated against them and lacked
knowledge about mental health problems. Respondents claimed that
the physical health needs of service users were sometimes neglected
– it was felt some staff tended to lead patients towards choices
which were more beneficial to the professional or organisation than
to the individual.
Those with mental health problems also found information in primary
care to be poor, and said there was a problem with the level of
commitment in dealing with mental health service users exhibited by
some GPs.
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