Good practice highlighted in pioneer children’s department

Good practice in family placement, court and duty work in one
of England’s first integrated children, families and schools
departments were highlighted in a new report, but its future
success depends on financial pressures in social services,
writes Clare Jerrom.

The Social Services Inspectorate report into Brighton and Hove
Council’s children’s services said the highlighted good
practice would contribute towards service improvement.

But inspectors warned that the ultimate success of the
integrated directorate would depend on its ability to resolve the
serious capacity issues apparent in field work services, and the
budgetary challenges facing social services.

The report highlighted that there were some signs of a service
in distress. Managers were increasingly acting down to practitioner
level, and the report recommended some work was transferred to
family centres.

It acknowledged that extensive work was taking place to resolve
the annual issue of children’s social care service

The report concluded that the directorate is serving some people
well and has promising prospects.

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