Services for people with high personal care needs must be met
through councils’ social services budgets not Supporting
People funding, the government has warned, writes
Shirley Kumar.
Announcing a real terms seven per cent cut to the Supporting People
budget over the next three years, officials from the Office of the
Deputy Prime Ministers said services for client groups such as
those with mental health problems or more severe learning
difficulties were not appropriate for the funding.
Councils will be expected to share £1.72bn in 2005/06,
followed by £1.7bn in both 2006/07 and 2007/08. The 2004/5
budget remained at the £1.8bn level reached in 2003/4,
although councils are expected to make efficiency savings of 2.5
per cent.
How the money will be distributed for 2005/6 will be announced
later this year, but councils deemed to be overspending in
comparison with their neighbours could have their individual
budgets slashed by as much 7.5 per cent in the first year
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