If you ask me…

Who has had the biggest influence on you?

My grandma.

Which health or social care professional has been most use
to you?

My key worker Steve Twigg.

If you ran care services in your area what would you do

Give more power and money for advocacy work.

Name one thing that would make your life

Being able to drive.

What three words best describe you?

Very determined man.

What event most changed your life?

Coming to work for the institute.

Has any government policy ever benefited you

Not that I know of.

If you could ban one thing what would it be?


Who is your dream date?

Victoria Beckham.

If you won the lottery how would you spend

Go on a cruise and give some to advocacy groups.

What makes you happy?


When were you last angry?

When Leicester City were last beaten.

Who do you most admire?

People with a lot of courage.

What is the most important lesson you have

Never to give up on what you want

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