Prison records are missing from the night Asian teenager Zahid
Mubarek was murdered by his racist cellmate in Feltham Young
Offender’s Institution, an inquiry heard today,
writes Maria Ahmed.
Night patrol sheets and locking-up reports vanished days after
Mubarek, 19, was battered to death with a table leg by Robert
Stewart, also 19, the public inquiry into Mubarek’s death was
David Comber, principal officer in charge of Feltham’s
security department at the time of the killing in March 2000, said
he did not know why the reports were missing.
Eight night patrol sheets and locking up reports, including one
for Swallow Wing where Zahid and Stewart were kept, had disappeared
from the security office, Comber said in a statement to police read
to the inquiry.
The inquiry was also shown Stewart’s security file, dated
January 22, 2000, which under the heading of information of special
importance had “yes” filled in next to queries on history of drugs,
escape potential, and violent nature.
Nigel Giffin, counsel to the inquiry, asked Comber why no action
had been taken on the warnings.
Comber replied: “I do not know if any action was taken, I do not
know whether it was or whether it was not. I do not know.”
The inquiry continues.
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