Images of Violence

Book Review, Images of Violence Cover

Images of Violence                              
Sian Adams & Janet Moyles                     
Published by Featherstone Eductation    
£14.99, ISBN: 1905019157


Written jointly by two early years teachers, this book reflects on the key issues affecting those working with young children in the aftermath of 11 September  2001. It discusses recent evidence of the new and sometimes violent elements in children’s play and their responses to the media coverage of terrorist atrocities.

For decades, the rights and wrongs of encouraging, condoning, excluding or ignoring children’s gun and weapon play – or general rough and tumble – have been deliberated. How much to permit this play has been a recurring concern, particularly within a mainly female early years workforce with an instinct to steer children to what are considered to be more constructive activities.

The book explores whether it is natural for children to play in this way as a mechanism for processing and understanding the adult world. It does this through 12 sub-sections that explore and discuss through case studies and questions. Each sub-section concludes with comments that relate to the wider picture. It also suggests ideas for supporting practices and thinking for those working in early years settings.

The book helps identify some of the processes that practitioners may need to follow when they encounter children’s responses to the reporting of terrorism. Although topical, the style of the book is heavy and sometimes difficult to follow.

 Jackie Colby is west Devon area co-ordinator for the Devon Early Years Development and Child Care Partnership

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