Training Materials

Strategic Moves: Thinking, Planning and Delivering
Change Agent Team, Department of Health
CD-Rom available free from


It is refreshing to find a resource that really does focus on
meeting the needs of service users – as defined by them,
writes David Moore. As such, it
represents a powerful agent for positive change in service planning
and design.

This is a very practical resource, developed and produced with and
by practitioners, and will enable commissioners to develop their
expertise in strategic commissioning.

There are five modules: learning about strategic commissioning;
developing planning capacity information, intelligence and systems;
commissioning approaches and structure; resources, and developing
an action plan. There are sample presentations, designed for a wide
range of stakeholder audiences and issues, complete with
facilitator notes and a 15-minute video showing the benefits of a
strategic approach to commissioning.

David Moore is head of commissioning and customer care, Milton
Keynes Council

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