The RHP Companion to Foster Care

Book Cover - RHP CompanionThe RHP Companion to Foster Care

Edited by Ann Wheal, Russell House Publishing
ISBN 1903855608, £32.95


This second edition provides an excellent reference book on the many dimensions of foster care today. Its strengths lie in the diverse range of subjects covered, its readable, concise, clear format and a clever balance of theory, policy and practice, writes Gerry Moore.

Across 317 pages, authors from wide-ranging backgrounds provide 35 well-presented chapters. It is rich in information, research material, policy and innovative practice which reflect the authors’ breadth of knowledge and experience. The challenges and dilemmas involved in providing high quality foster care are tackled with insight, and solutions and strategies presented in an upbeat but realistic style.

This is an important  guide and valuable reading for all those working to ensure that looked-after children “are able to grow and thrive, to achieve their full potential and to take their rightful place in society.”

Gerry Moore is principal officer services management, Poole Council

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