Person-Centred Planning and Care Management with People with Learning Disabilities

Book Cover: Person Centred Paul Cambridge and Steven Carnaby Jessica Kingsley Publishers
 ISBN 1843101319, 19.95


You would be hard-pressed to find a better collection of insightful and radical thinkers in the area of care management. This book covers important issues about person-centred planning and approaches, writes Matt Dore.

I believe that it asks hard questions, and challenges the professional to adopt more inclusive and accessible work practices.

Divided into three parts, it will take you on a journey through the research, critical analysis and history of person-centred planning. Like all good theory, it needs to be put into practice with positive outcomes for people with learning difficulties; and this book has some good practice case studies.

Wherever you work in the field of learning difficulties you should read this book carefully and seek to put “person centredness” at the core of your practice. The challenge for professionals, is making it a reality for individuals.

Matt Dore works in Hampshire with people who have learning difficulties

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