If you ask me….

Simone Joseph (not her real name) is HIV positive and a mother and uses Positively Women’s services in London

Which health or social care professional has been most use to you?
The clinical nurse specialist at the hospital.
If you ran care services in your area what would you do differently?
Consider people’s needs first, then look at what is affordable.

Name one thing that would make your life better?
Not worrying about people finding out about my HIV.
What three words best describe you?
Afraid, depressed, lonely.

What event most changed your life?
Getting my HIV diagnosis.

Who/what is your dream date?
Not sure who but it would be on a moonlit beach.

What is your favourite saying?
There is always tomorrow.

How would you spend a lottery win?
I would secure my children’s future, buy a house and car then set up an HIV treatment project in Mali.

What is your greatest achievement?
Coping this long.

What makes you happy?
Watching my children sleeping.

Who do you most admire?
Hillary Rodham Clinton. She has dignity.

How would you like to be remembered?
Someone who cared and never gave up.

What is the most important lesson you have learned?
Each person has a duty to care for and protect themselves.

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