Family Support as Reflective Practice

Book Cover - Family Support Family Support as Reflective Practice
 Edited by Pat Dolan, John Canavan and John Pinkerton, Jessica Kingsley Publishers
 ISBN 1843103206, £19.99


If you are looking for clarification of the idea of family support in a way that provides readable and understandable links between the concept, policy and organisation, models for practice and reflective practice – then look no further, writes Dawn Warrington.

The early discussions of models of family support gave me a good basis for what was explored later. I particularly found the chapters “Using Concepts, Frameworks and Tools” and “Cultural Competence, Cultural Sensitivity” interesting and will no doubt be using some these ideas and models.

This book is one that you can dip in and out of, and if you are interested in a particular area (for example, supporting families with disabled children) you can find information, theory and models that can be used in practice or to academically link theory to practice. You can also explore how other countries view family support and look at the differences between formal and informal family support.

The book emphasises the importance of reflection and evaluation in the practice of family support by practitioners and has a wealth of interesting reading within it. It is an excellent resource for those of us in the family support field of practice.

Dawn Warrington is senior practitioner, assessment, inclusion and family support, Walsall Council

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