The Dyslexia Handbook 2006

 The Dyslexia Handbook 2006
 Edited by Susan Tresman and Ann Cooke,
 The British Dyslexia Association
 ISBN: 1872653391,
 £7 (plus postage)
 Tel: 01458 254 750


In the complex world of dyslexia, any handbook that seeks to pool a collection of resources, articles and discussion threads from an array of contributors is going to be welcome, writes Mike Lane.

Within the 340 pages and five sections, there is a platform to describe the specialist services and contact details of dyslexia organisations and centres. Discussion moves from managing dyslexia in children and young people by way of some fascinating articles to issues about dyslexia in adults and further education and employment, policy issues and assistive technology.

In parts more of a yearbook than a handbook, but it remains very useful, being easy to dip into and find articles of relevance, practical ideas, as well as support and encouragement. It is ideal for many bookshelves.

Mike Lane is a care leavers accommodation social worker, who discovered he had dyslexia five years ago after 18 years in social work

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