Career Training and Personal Planning for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Practical Resource for Schools

 Vicki Lundine and Catherine Smith,
 Jessica Kingsley Publishers
 ISBN 1843104407,


Dealing with the barriers to employment for young disabled people shows how important career planning is, writes Colette Eaton.

Lundine and Smith provide a work experience curriculum for students with autistic spectrum disorders and offer a range of topics for discussion and work, including self-awareness, decisionmaking and career awareness.

Each chapter provides the basis for a logical scheme of work with suggestions for activities and photocopiable resources. There is also guidance on supporting students to construct a portfolio of their work experience.

The activities are constructive and the clearly written resources could be used in a mainstream class. However, there is a lack of career planning materials that provide age-appropriate pictorial representations of the world of work. Unfortunately, these resources assume a high level of literacy and communication ability and would need significant adaptation for students with more complex needs.

Fundamentally, this is a good pack which covers more than just compiling a CV and writing a covering letter. However, its value as a “specialist” resource is limited.

Colette Eaton is a support manager

for students with learning disabilities,

Blackburn College

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