Elizabeth Evans has cerebral palsy and is a member of drumming group Krash, Bang, Wallop, Thud and Boom!
Which professional has helped you most?
Lesley McLoughlin who works in IT at Scope’s Chester Skills Development Centre (SDC).
What would make your life better?
Not being disabled.
What three words best describe you?
Friendly, supportive, optimistic.
What event most changed your life?
Being able to walk for the first time when I was eight.
What one thing would you like to ban?
Smoking everywhere.
Who/what is your dream date?
Russell Watson, the classical singer. He’s a tenor and has such a good voice.
What is your favourite book?
Catherine Cookson’s Mary Ann series of novels.
How would you spend a lottery win?
I’d share it with the family.
What is your greatest achievement?
Five NVQs in CLAIT, a qualification in using computers.
When did you have the most fun?
Taking part in plays when I was at school.
Who would you like to swap places with?
Tony Blair. To be honest, I think I could do a better job than him.
What cause would you fight for?
Stopping child abuse.
How would you like to be remembered?
Having a sense of humour.
What is the most important lesson you have learned?
Helping those less able than me.
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