GSCC launches debate on role of profession in England

A consultation into the function of social work in England is launched today, posing key questions about the roles, tasks and value of the profession.

The report is part of the General Social Care Council’s government-commissioned review into the function and distinctive purpose of social work in England today, launched last October.

Following the consultation, the council will produce a statement on social work, which it will submit to ministers.

The report asks questions such as what social work looks like at its best, what roles should be reserved for social workers, what tasks they should not perform and how the balance of power between social workers and service users is changing.

Below these are suggested answers, which the GSCC is seeking views on.

For instance, under what roles social workers should not undertake, it says: “Social work time and effort should not be diverted to tasks more appropriate to skilled administrators, better IT and more efficient support and information systems.”

The GSCC produced the report in conjunction with the Social Care Institute for Excellence, the Commission for Social Care Inspection, Skills for Care and the Children’s Workforce Development Council.

The consultation runs until 12 June and to respond email and it will also be possible to respond online shortly.


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