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Community Care lobbying sees mail order debt waived

‘Disjointed services’ let down disabled parents

Coalition calls for adult services cash boost

‘Institutional abuse’ at three more homes

The People First annual conference hears that Equality 2025 could break down barriers for people with learning disabilities.

Skills agenda has hit adult classes, ministers admit

Data black hole undermines NHS campus closure target

Call for more staff training to improve bank services

Workforce barriers still exist

Still much to do despite white paper

News Analysis
Lost in the system: the missing learning disabilities ‘patients’ on NHS campuses

Learning disabilities: elderly people face loss of independence

Is Valuing People working? Andrew Holman and Jo Williams debate the issues

Learning disabilities: are day centres closing to cut costs?

Partnership Board good practice

Learning disabilities sector needs a Wanless-style review

Interview with Philippa Russell, learning disabilities campaigner

How partnerships boards are changing lives of people with learning disabilites

Learning disabilities: beacon councils lead the way

Support for carers who have learning disabilities

Employment barriers for people with learning disabilities

A Life Like Any Other campaign: people with learning disabilities reveal their housing experiences and aspirations

A Life Like Any Other campaign: Andrew Barber is living life to the full after years in a long stay hospital

People with learning disabilities highlight need for friends and support

Learning disability charities call to break down barriers and relax eligibility criteria

Practice panel: Sexual urges clash with religious beliefs

Information needs of young people with learning disabilities

Adult placement schemes: user and practitioner responses

All about the National Association of Adult Placement Services

Editorial Comment
Editorial Comment: Excluded from sport

Editorial Comment: The need for vigilance

Editorial Comment: Time to close NHS residential campuses

Editorial Comment: The job barriers can fall

Editorial Comment: Lets help fulfil potential

Service User Voice: Let my wheelchair go

Front Line Focus: The right to be different

Opinion: Go for it Gordon

Service User Voice: My wish list

Front Line Focus: Inclusion can be stressful

Andrew Holman’s blog

Learning Disability

Dimensions Blog (Dean – Living on my own)


 View footage from the launch of A Life Like Any Other at Community Care Live 2007, including clips from Ivan Lewis’ speech.

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