33 1/3: Master of Reality
A Holistic Approach to Black and Minority Ethnic Mental Health
A Multidisciplinary Handbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health for Frontline Professionals
Advance Directives in Mental Health
Appropriate Adult and Vulnerable People: Working with Mentally Disordered Offenders and other Vulnerable Adults
Assessing Mental Capacity in Social Care
Autism and Loss
Autism, Discrimination and the Law: A quick guide for parents, educators and employers
Being Seen and Heard – The Needs of Children with Mental Illnesses
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Child Protection and Mental Health Services
Happy Soul
Improving behaviour through therapeutic approaches
In the Know: Implementing good practice. Information and tools for anyone supporting people with a learning disability and dementia
Is the Cooker Turned Off? Caring for an Older Person with Failing Memory
Jumbled Jigsaw: An Insider’s Approach to the Treatment of Autistic Spectrum
Life Stories, Quotes,Poems and Snapshots from People with Support Needs
Living with Mental Illness: A Book for Relatives and Friends
Loving Mr Spock: Understanding an Aloof lover – Could it be Asperger Syndrome?
Making a Difference – An Evidenced Based Group Programme to Offer Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) to People with Dementia: The Manual for Group Leaders
Managing High Risk Sex Offenders In The Community: A Psychological Approach
Mental health: art therapy in Manchester
Mental Health Act video for deaf people
Mental health and morality issues for a legal fixer
Mental Health Interventions and Services for Vulnerable Children and Young People
Mental Health Social Work: Evidence – Based Practice
My Sister is Different
Open up: Mental health media’s anti-discrimination toolkit
Personality Disorder: Temperament or Trauma
Perspectives on Rehabilitation and Dementia
Psychoses: An Integrative Perspective
Reflections. Life Stories, Quotes,Poems and Snapshots from People with Support Needs
Revealing the Hidden Social Code: Social Stories for people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Social Capital and Mental Health
Social Work and People with Dementia: Partnerships, Practice and Persistence
Social Work and Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Social Work and Mental Health (Third Edition)
Statute of Liberty
Therapy Culture
The Feeling’s Unmutual: Growing up with Asperger Syndrome (Undiagnosed)
The Importance of Food and Mealtimes in Dementia Care: The Table is Set
The Mental Health Act 2007: A guide
The Myth of the Chemical Cure
Understanding the Nature of Autism and Asperger’s Disorder
Unspoken. A film about sex relationships and mental health: DVD review
Unstrange Minds: Remapping the World of Autism
Value of Everything. Social Work and its Importance in the Field of Mental Health
Valuing experience: Older people and mental health
Violence and Mental Health in Everyday Life: Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Children and Adolescents
Voluntary Madness: My Year Lost and Found in the Loony Bin
Vulnerable Adults and Community Care
We Too Have a Voice: Poems by Students from Mencap National College
Wonderful World of Dissocia
Working with Interpreters in Mental Health
Working with Mentally Disordered Offenders: A training pack for staff working in criminal justice, health and social care, and the voluntary sector
21st century asylums
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